Benefits of strawberries in facials and skin bleaching

Strawberries contain different vitamins and important have a significant effect on the skin , especially facial skin as it adds a natural aesthetic flair without complications and side effects , as in chemicals.

To treat sunburn ,whether in the face or shoulders :-
Put packs of strawberry juice .

And for those who suffer from yellowish teeth : -
Eating strawberry juice frequently helps in bleaching teeth naturally it has a big role in facials .

 As strawberries intervention in the installation of many masks due to the effect clutch pores of the skin and facial cleanser and nourishing for the face.

Preparation of strawberry mask for facial : -
- Mix the mashed three large beads of strawberries with 140 ml of milk
- Then Grease face mix for a quarter of an hour
- And then wash with warm water and dried with a towel
This will help to beautify the face and improve skin tone and tighten and lends a touch of freshness and clear .

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